Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 9-12

July 9th

Thunderstorms kept us from doing anything outside, so we went out to eat, made a trip to Wally World, and spent the rest of the night at home coloring and playing games on the computer.

July 10th

More thunderstorms, so we made Sloppy Joes and watched Shrek 2 at home with Cousin Emma.

July 11th

Finally, a clear day, but it was very hot. That didn't stop us from going to the park and playing on the swings and throwing around a frisbee. We bought a "Floppy Flyer", a rubber frisbee that is easy to throw and easy to catch. We had a lot of fun with it and played with it for over an hour. After forking out $15 for a ball and paddle set Andrea played with for 5 minutes last year, the Floppy Flyer is the best (and smartest) $1 I ever spent.

July 12th

More rain, so we drove around and ran a few errands after I got off of work. At home, Andrea and Emma built stuff with Legos and finished up the night watching a few old Bugs Bunny cartoons.

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